HIV Testing
1 hour HIV test logoMESMAC offer FREE 1 hour HIV testing, click on the logo for info
Hate Crime Reporting

Arch LogoReport Hate Crime, Arch, the Police  and other systems. Click on the logo.

The Ace Project – LGBT Child Sexual Exploitation

The Ace Project LogoThe Ace Project: Funded by the Northern Rock Foundation and facilitated by Prof Catherine Donovan at the University of Sunderland, the Ace Project brought together practitioners from across the North East for a series of four half-day meetings over five months during 2013 to share experiences of working with young LGBTQ people in relation to CSE and develop an Agenda for Change. The first three meetings were led by input from Catherine Bewley (Galop), Wendy Shepherd (SECOS, Barnardos), and Debs Walker (Trinity Youth) and focused on defining the problem, understanding the particular experiences of young LGBTQ people and identifying gaps in service provision and practice in relation to young LGBTQ people and child sexual exploitation. To find out all about the project, please click HERE for the Ace Project Report.