HIV Testing
1 hour HIV test logoMESMAC offer FREE 1 hour HIV testing, click on the logo for info
Hate Crime Reporting

Arch LogoReport Hate Crime, Arch, the Police  and other systems. Click on the logo.

EYES OPEN – Positive About HIV

Eyes Open LogoThe Eyes Open Committee are a regional steering group who raise awareness of HIV and stigma and support World Aids Day, they have been in existence since 2003. As a part of the awareness raising, Eyes Open provide training in schools, hospitals, community settings and with other organisations. The committee also organise events to take place regionally to support World AIDS Day on 1st December every year, these have included art competitions, candl-lit vigils, lantern making workshops, lantern parades, awareness raising marches, conferences and more. Eyes Open work across Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland and Sunderland, areas that support the work financially.
Website: Facebook: @EyesOpenUK