HIV Testing
1 hour HIV test logoMESMAC offer FREE 1 hour HIV testing, click on the logo for info
Hate Crime Reporting

Arch LogoReport Hate Crime, Arch, the Police  and other systems. Click on the logo.

LGBT Cancer

LGBT CancerWhat are the specific issues for LGBT people affected by cancer? One in two people will develop cancer at some point in their lives, according to recent research by Cancer Research UK. But what are the specific issues for LGBT people affected by cancer? If you identify as LGBT, Macmillan have an online forum where you can share your experiences about cancer, check out the LGBT Cancer Lounge HERE! Research is also underway by De Montfort University looking at the experiences of LGBT people after having a cancer diagnosis, see what they’re doing by liking the Facebook page: and following them on Twitter: @LGBTCancerRes.