HIV Testing
1 hour HIV test logoMESMAC offer FREE 1 hour HIV testing, click on the logo for info
Hate Crime Reporting

Arch LogoReport Hate Crime, Arch, the Police  and other systems. Click on the logo.

Patient Participation Team

PPT LogoThe PPT is a group of HIV – positive people who have worked together in Newcastle Upon Tyne since 2003. Offering the opportunity to talk privately with another positive person about living with HIV. The service is confidential and non-judgmental.  You can access 1-2-1 support from another HIV+ person, share stories and concerns with medical students and professionals, join the self – management program to help you take care of your health and needs, communicate with the NHS in meetings and feedback groups, join in regular social events and meetings. To make an appointment, ask your doctor, nurse or other health care professional at your clinic or contact the PPT at the phone number or email address here: Call: 07855 375 773. For 1-2-1 support call: 07854 807 220 Email:  Visit the new website: