HIV Testing

1 hour test logo small grey MESMAC offer free HIV tests. For full sexual health screening, check Sexual Health Clinics.

Hate Crime Reporting

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LGB & T Services

Yorkshire MESMAC


Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence

Female ViolencePARTICIPANTS NEEDED! Using face-to-face interviews, the current study aims to explore the experiences of gay women, who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) within a same-sex relationship. Who can take part? Individuals who identify themselves as a Gay /Lesbian or Trans women, having experienced IPV within a same-sex relationship, Women who are above the age of 18 years, Women who are NOT currently in an abusive relationship, and have not been for a minimum of 12 months. This is an opportunity to contribute to the body of knowledge that will inform , and improve, service provisions for Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans women in domestic abuse relationships. For further information or to participate please email Haley Dee on Or Contact Gay advice Darlington/Durham on: 01325 252522.