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LGB & T Services

Yorkshire MESMAC


Older Persons LGBT Conference, Newcastle

OlderOpen Clasp Theatre Company are organising a national conference to provide health and social care professionals with the necessary skills to meet the individual care needs of members of the older lesbian and gay community. The specialist training day will include key speakers from Age UK, Stonewall Housing and a number of experts in gender equality and ageing who will present information, research findings, and address the legal guidelines surrounding the care of lesbian and gay people. The conference will also feature workshops by Equal Arts, facilitated discussions and live performance looking at practical approaches and tools to address the challenges which the care sector faces including: Raising awareness of issues facing older lesbian and gay people when they enter the care system and equipping health and social care professionals with the knowledge and skills to offer appropriate support, Highlighting examples of good practice and supporting organisations to practically adapt to these ways of working. Booking and info: Date: Monday 29th September 2014, 9.30am – 5pm Venue: The CastleGate, Melbourne Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2JQ. Fee: £125 Early Bird rate available until 1st September (Delegates from care organisations will additionally receive a copy of Swags & Tails: Valuing Good Practice in Care, a training tool in their delegate pack – an engaging and effective Person Centred Care training in-house resource for providers of residential care and home care for older people usually sold for £120). More info HERE!